My Pride

To be reserved for qualities you have earned
Not random tokens assigned at birth.
I am not PROUD to be British, i fail to see the value of the smudged label.
I am PROUD that I am enlightened and realise nationality is a tool used to divide us all.
I am not PROUD that I was born female, this was a genetic coin flip.
I am PROUD of my choices in life, the ones I feel have made me a good woman.
I am not PROUD of my hereditary intelligence,
I am PROUD of how I use it to gain wisdom and leap across the camouflaged quicksand.
I am not PROUD of the chemical imbalances in my brain,
I am PROUD to have lived through the dark grey haze and stake it with a rainbow ice pick.


Pit us against one another,
Tack my image beside hers to distance our souls
Take a red Biro and mark our skin like a squared work book

Do not mention the weight of her spirit
Who would care about something so important?

Pit us against one another,
Money well spent to set the standard
Set it higher, out of our reach, maybe we can reach it in heels.

Convert my love and admiration into perfected hatred of perfection
Isolate me from sisters

Pit us against one another,
Define our goals before we develop,
Point us to the princess pedestal

Together we grow, divided we shrink.
Hollowed by competition.

There Have So Been Books About Female Sexuality in the Past 35 Years

In a recent piece in The Guardian, “Feminism in the 21st Century,” Zoe Williams claims that no one has talked seriously about female sexuality since the ’70s: “The last person to make any serious noise about female sexuality was Shere Hite; that was nearly 35 years ago.”

This is a claim I see all the time, and it’s starting to make me feel like I’m delusional.

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EDL accuse the BBC of not being racist enough.

So I work five days a week, one of my days off is spent doing whatever I like. Yesterday I built a flat pack sideboard with drawers and everything! My second day off is spent planning a snarky post, analysing something I disagree with. I don’t have to look very far, to be honest I usually have a dozen posts from UKIP, BNP or EDL’s website to pick from.

Today I’m picking up on the latest post on the EDL, posted Sunday the 26th October 2014 at 7pm. About a headline from 2005 that suits their agenda this week.


Continue reading EDL accuse the BBC of not being racist enough.

‘Streets Of Great Britian’ – Through the eyes of the BNP

If the BNP ever want to be taken seriously they should consider hiring someone to edit their propaganda a little better. Some will look at this and say, yes it’s terrible but it wasn’t made by the BNP party, I have now found the original on BNPtv here . Sometimes a raving liberal like me needs to search (albeit not that long) for stupid things the BNP have done but sometimes all I need to do is repost it. This video is the usual pile of steaming fear designed to make your average ill informed football hooligan run into the streets screaming like a banshee, wielding a hammer because he doesn’t want violence on the street of England…unless the psychopaths are beige…then its fine. Between the bizarre music, the strange choice of footage and laughable captions this is one of the strangest viewing experiences since George Galloway on Big Brother.

JimmyFallonWhat Continue reading ‘Streets Of Great Britian’ – Through the eyes of the BNP

Ben Affleck’ll do it!

I really love Affleck’s appearances on Bill Maher show, its always a healthy debate about how much of people’s reactions are just that, reactions, and how much is racism. I find Real Time With Bill Maher very entertaining in general, and even though I often disagree with the host, I do find him to be very intelligent, informed & articulate man who encourages debate about important issues, even if his views are slightly alarming. This latest video shows Ben finally losing his shit as the debate gets more heated than usual.


Continue reading Ben Affleck’ll do it!

Kind Campaign



I just wanted to take a moment to raise awareness for this amazing campaign. As a woman in her mid twenties I can remember being bullied, I know that it isn’t a tragedy when compared with war or famine but it can effect people for the rest of their live and mental health. I was also the bully for a horrible part of my adolescence, and the shame will never leave me. The idea of Kind Campaign is that we can’t all be intelligent, skinny, pretty, tall, confident or funny, but we can all be kind. The idea is to try and spread these stories of ‘girl crime’ and raise awareness for the fact we all do it but we should all be united. Take a look and get some stories off your chest.